Pull, Tranq and Trueshot Aura

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# Buffs

In 1.12, hunters got the short end of the buff stick and did not receive benefits to their ranged attacks from many world buffs. This is fixed in era and seasons. You should collect all world buffs before raids if you want to perform optimally: Darkmoon Faire Damage when available, Dire Maul Tribute buffs buffs, Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, Spirit of Zandalar, and Songflower Serenade.

Warchief’s Blessing haste only applies to melee so it’s only useful for weaving or its mp5. Gnomish Battle Chicken’s Battle Squawk is only melee attack speed, but you should still have engi and have one for your party.

# Consumables

Optimal buff consumes for all hunters are Elixir of the Mongoose, Grilled Squid, Juju Might for you and your pet, Scroll of Agility IV for you and your pet, Scroll of Strength IV for your pet, Juju Power for your pet, and Consecrated Sharpening Stones for Undead otherwise Brilliant Mana Oils.

You should consume and collect an additional Ground Scorpok Assay from Blasted Lands and Swiftness of Zanza before raid. Zanza is especially important if weaving.

Weavers should additionally use Juju Power on themselves, scroll themselves with Scroll of Strength IV. Horde weavers in windfury groups should not use stones/mana oil; Horde weavers outside windfury groups and all Alliance weavers should use Consecrated Sharpening Stones on undead otherwise Brilliant Mana Oils if it prevents you from running out of mana, otherwise Elemental Sharpening Stones.

All hunters should bring relevant elemental protection potions and encounter specific consumes. Namely, Greater Fire Protection Potion prevent Aimed Shot pushback on Vael and Firemaw. Juju Chill and Juju Ember have great value on resist fights.

You will also want to bring Major Mana Potions and Dark Runes or Demonic Runes.

Juju Flurry is not worth using as it lowers the damage of your attacks by 3% for its duration.

# Raid TLDRs

<– talents, pet talents –> per boss optimization link to pulling guide notable drops?

# MC and BWL

Offense skills, fire / shadow res, stam, r3-4 armor

# AQ (and ZG)

Offense skills, nature / shadow res, stam, r3-4 armor

# Naxx

Offense skills, cold / shadow res, stam, r3-4 armor